Our Mission

Love people

To preach the Gospel to the lost, to give the good news to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release from darkness those who are in bondage.
Isaiah 61:1

Love God

To worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. John 4:24

Sharing the goodness of God

I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.
1 Corinthians 9:22

We Believe

We believe there is One God, which exists in Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, the infallible, authoritative word of God.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for our sins and took all our sins upon him.

We believe Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven and he will return in power and glory.

We believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is essential for the salvation and regeneration of man.
Now this three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of them is love.

Testimony of Pastor Anil Kant

I come from a Hindu- Punjabi background and the Lord Jesus Christ touched me 20 years ago. From a young age, my parents had taught me to observe and follow all the religious scriptures and rituals. I became a seeker of truth and started questioning the existence and identity of God. The deepest desire of my heart was to see God face to face.

I met Reena when I was in college, and we got married in the year 1986. My search for the truth continued even after I moved to Singapore with her. We were blessed with a daughter, Shreya who brought a lot of joy to our hearts and life was beautiful.
While in Singapore, a dear friend, John Chia shared about Jesus with me. He told me that the bible says that ‘God has a plan for your life’. That kept resounding in my mind, and I wondered who was this God, who had a plan for my life and why would he think of me? After four years in Singapore, we moved to Indonesia with this seed planted in my heart.

Life was busy yet beautiful as we worked in Jakarta. In the year 1996, we were blessed with a son, Rishabh Kant. As was destined by God, a Church in Jakarta got in touch with me to produce some songs for their worship team, as I was a music producer.
The assignments were to write new songs based on the word of God. I started reading the Bible to write these songs and the word of God started speaking to me.
People from the church prayed for us and a dear sister, Sarah Keswani would prophecy and encourage us through her prayers. Even though I was drawn to the word of God, the idea of becoming a believer or a Christian was a far cry because I believed Christianity was a western religion and not suitable for me.
We returned to India in 1999, but the love of God continued to influence my life.

My prayer was that God would lead me from darkness to light, from untruth to truth and from death to eternal life. One night, as I was crying out to Him, I was supernaturally prompted to open the bible. I started flicking through the pages and came to the verse from John 14:6, where Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’

This was exactly the answer I was looking for. That night, I experienced a new freedom- from the past and accepted Jesus in my heart.

Together with my wife, we accepted Jesus in the year 2001 and found great inner peace. Our entire family was saved and after finding this blessing we have been serving God and his people.

Jesus did not bring another religion into this world. His message is love and forgiveness for everyone.

I pray you will experience God as I did!!!

Jeevan ki khoj mein nikla re, Yeshu paya. (I was searching for the life and found Christ)