In any generation, life will always be a challenge. Seasons come and go and it is the strong roots of a tree that make it unshakeable in the stormy ones. And so, I believe, every person needs a firm foundation in their life, to remain strong, stable, secure and not just survive, but THRIVE.
I found my foundation in Christ Jesus, the Son of the Living God who came with a message of love and forgiveness and took the sins of the world on Himself.
Salvation is not just a change in the way you think, but it is an experience of knowing God and knowing Christ and I can gladly say I got to know Jesus Christ at the Satsang.
His persona, His character and above that His Word is what I experienced here. I realised that God is available for every person in the world and that He loves each one of us unconditionally.
The intention of the Satsang was very clear – to know Him more, to love Him more and to serve others. Every song of worship, every word of prayer and every preaching or teaching was always delivered with one motive – to glorify God and to encourage people.
No person was more important than the other. All are treated equally and are accepted for who they are irrespective of caste, creed or background.
I was deeply influenced by this Godly environment which strongly facilitated my growth as a believer and as a human being.
I learnt to pray, I learnt to worship and I learnt to be grateful for everything.
I learnt the importance of spiritual life and its practical application in the real world which led me to abundant fruitfulness without any compromise.
In the Satsang, I have experienced the Joy of God and nothing can ever take it away from me because it is from God and He is always with us.